

所以,一般客户我都会先问清楚你们的付款流程和每个月的付款时间,然后按照时间表发 invoice,这样收款会比较快一点儿。另一个,就是如果你提供的是 monthly 的服务这种,就设置 recurring invoices,可以要求/或者至少提供一个 autopay 的选择,让客户输入信用卡信息,这样每个月就能按时付钱了。

当然,你也可以选择“威胁”模式😂,就是签合同的时候,invoice 的备注,都提醒对方,对于晚于XX numbers of days 的 invoices,我们会 charge XX%的 late fee。这个对相对小的客户还有用的,大一点儿的似乎也不太在乎。😮‍💨


第1封提醒:due date一周前


I hope you’re well. This is just to remind you that payment on invoice #12345, which we sent on DATE, will be due on DATE.

I’m sure you’re busy, but I’d appreciate if you could take a moment and look over the invoice when you get a chance. Please let me know if you have any questions.

Thank you!

第2封提醒:due date 当天


This is a friendly reminder that payment on invoice #12345, which we sent on DATE, is due today. Please follow the link to make the payment here. 

If you have any questions, please reply and I’d be happy to clarify them.


第3封提醒:due date三天之后


Our records show that we haven’t yet received payment for Invoice #12345, which is overdue by 3 days/one week. I would appreciate if you could check this out on your end.

Please disregard this notice if the payment has already been sent. And if you’ve lost this invoice, please let me know, and I’d be happy to send you another copy.




We are writing to inform you that your account is now 15 days past due. In case the invoice wasn’t received, a copy is attached.

Here’s a summary of your account:
Invoice Number:
Invoice Date:
Amount Due:
Due Date:

Please send payment via check to the address listed below. Or you can pay online through the link here. 

We appreciate your attention to this matter and look forward to working with you in the future.



This is to inform you that your account is now 30 days PAST DUE. This requires your IMMEDIATE attention.
Account Number:
Due Date: 
Amount: (includes X late fee)
You may make a payment: Payment options
Please let us know the status of your payment. If you have any other questions, please feel free to reply or contact me at XXX-XXX-XXXX.

Kind regards,

一般来讲,现在大家都用 invoice app,包括之前提到过的 WaveFreshbooks ,都有自动提醒的,只要你发 invoice 的时候设置一下即可。Freshbooks 应该可以自动加 late fee。但是 Wave 是不可以更改模版的,只能用系统设置的。

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